Die Bremer Band Swell O hat vor wenigen Tagen den Release ihres Debüt-Albums bei Clostridium Records gefeiert, das mit klassischen Gitarren Rock-Klängen aufwartet.
Von der Tatsache, dass es die erste Scheibe ist, sollte sich aber niemand täuschen lassen und junge Erst-Semester erwarten.
Die Herren sind bereits im gestandenen Alter, alle weit jenseits der 30 und haben viele Erfahrungen in anderen Kapellen gesammelt.
Die Band besteht aus Sönke und Sebastian (beide Gitarre und Gesang),
Simo (Drums) und Harald (Bass).
Hanseatic Bremen’s „Swell O“ recently made their full length debut with the release of „Morning Haze“. The recording of the four piece puts the listener in the sphere of musical originals in the spirit of „classical“ psychedelic and stoner rock. So far the album was self released on music streaming services, Bandcamp and tape cassette on February 3rd this year. Now there’s also a vinyl release coming up via Clostridium Records.
The German Band is fronted by Sönke and Sebastian each on vocal and guitar. Previous to „Swell O“ both had been playing in Kraut-, Blues- and Punk bands among other musical experiences. Not least to a broad musical record Harald on Fender bass and at the same time on deep bass via organ pedal as well as Simo on drums made up an important part for musical functionality. Throughout a concise album the rhythm section laid down an efficient groove layered by the guitars, vocals and occasionally topped by Haralds theremine.
Nonetheless to their musical background Sönke and Sebastian have a different approach to their songwriting which makes the songs diverse but also they come around with collaborated material like „Summit“ a pace changing song about life.
Throughout the album "Swell O" sticks to their musical recipe from fuzzy up to airy sounds and from driven to mellow rhythms in order to get in gear to push some more. Soon again this ability can also be captured live with a recently changed rhythm section. Lately Christian (bass) and Jens (drums) joined the band and have put a new scope to its vitality.